Chapter 1: Why this University Professor sent skin microbiome samples 3 times to the international space station and back with SpaceX?
The Microbiome MavericksApril 10, 2023x
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Chapter 1: Why this University Professor sent skin microbiome samples 3 times to the international space station and back with SpaceX?

Have you ever wondered how space affects the human body? Do you know that astronauts have to deal with a lot of health issues due to space travel? From muscle and bone loss to weakened immune systems, the human body undergoes several changes in space. But have you ever thought about how space affects the microbiome? 

Joseph (Sci) Borg, a professor at the University of Malta, was intrigued by this question and decided to investigate it further. He, along with his team, decided to conduct a unique experiment - they sent skin microbiome samples to the International Space Station (ISS) and back with SpaceX three times! But why did they do that?

Let's dive into the fascinating world of microbiome and the impact of space on these microorganisms with Prof. Joseph ‘Sci” Borg.

If would like to know more about Prof. Joseph Borg, please follow him on LinkedIn and visit his company website